(Image created by AI!)
Rothbury CAN was recently asked by Rothbury Parish Council to comment on their draft Biodiversity Policy. This request was happily received by us, and we also reached out to members of the community to help with it. We thought you might like to know what we suggested.
This is the email we wrote:
Dear Claire and Rothbury Parish Councillors
Rothbury CAN is delighted to have been asked to comment on the NALC draft biodiversity policy – and all members are very pleased to see that you are considering adopting such a policy.
Looking at what other councils have implemented, many have simply taken the NALC one, without making it their own. Hopefully, we can work with RPC to ensure that your policy, and related action plan, reflects what we, as a community, are aiming for, and produces a realistic plan detailing how it can be achieved, here in our town of Rothbury. I would like to add, that the plan I have attached has been collated from a wide range of comments and ideas within Rothbury CAN and the Rothbury community.
We have made several suggestions for alterations and thought it would be easier to put these into a new document. You will see that we have added a column to the plan, as we found it easier to think in terms of what the objectives and actions and outcomes would be and look at where that would be, separately.
We hope very much that you find these comments helpful and supportive. We feel strongly that work on improving biodiversity is something which could really unite our lovely community and bring people together to work for the common good, on a variety of projects. The need to protect and improve biodiversity is something we can (almost!) all agree on, so it is a fantastic idea to push for Rothbury Parish Council to become a leading light in this!
With all good wishes
Katie Scott

You can download our draft policy which we have shared with Rothbury Parish Council, here: